Best Austin Divorce Lawyers 2024

Reclaim Yourself After Divorce

When you find yourself embroiled in a family-related legal dispute, most especially a divorce, you absolutely need a qualified and caring lawyer at your side; looking out for what exactly is in your best interests and also protecting your rights. We have competent attorneys that are going to take the time to learn the details of your case to ensure a tailored representation to help you accomplish your goals.

Divorce is one of the most emotionally difficult situations a person can go through. Most people who go through a divorce find that divorce law is difficult to understand. Trusted Divorce Lawyers was founded to ensure that those going through a divorce have the tools necessary to ensure that a qualified and proven divorce lawyer is representing their interests.

Texas Divorce Law Blog

Malicious Parent Syndrome

Malicious Parent Syndrome (MPS) is a term used to describe a pattern of behavior exhibited by one parent, typically during or after a contentious divorce or custody battle. This behavior…

Passive Aggressive Husbands

I have a Passive Aggressive Husband – What Do I Do?

Navigating the Challenges of Passive-Aggressive (and/or) Narcissist Husbands Understanding passive-aggressive behavior in husbands is crucial for navigating the challenges that may arise in a relationship. Passive-aggressive behavior is characterized by…


Healthier Divorce Part 4: Self-Esteem & Love

Self-Esteem & Love: Finding Your Way Through Divorce The breakdown of a marriage or long-term relationship can be especially hard for those who lack self-esteem. As the transition into single…

Trusted Divorce Attorneys in Texas

Trusted Divorce Lawyers was established to provide Austin, Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, and the rest of Texas with the best matrimonial attorneys available. We have screened all of our members to ensure that each divorce lawyer listed in our member base has been proven to be at the top of their profession.

Because of the emotions involved in a divorce, our matrimonial attorneys have the experience necessary to represent your interests effectively while maintaining the level of discretion you deserve.

No matter how complicated your case may be, or how bad your dispute is, we will do our best to help you get back on your feet so that your family and you can move forward. When your future is at stake, you need to hire an attorney who will treat your case with the personalized care and attention it deserves.

When things are not going well in your family—the relationship bonds between you and your husband/wife have been broken, or you are not able to deal with the emotional difficulties that are going on in your marital life, it can make it tough to take the appropriate steps to protect yourself.

Family Law Articles of Interest

Texas Divorce Law

In Texas, divorce law recognizes two types of divorce, contested and uncontested. Contested divorces tend to entail much more strife and difficulty since the two parties cannot come to terms with either the divorce in general or the conditions of the divorce. Oftentimes, the parties will disagree on matters regarding the division of assets, allocation of debts, alimony, and child custody. In a contested divorce having a matrimonial attorney that has been proven effective is of the utmost importance. Trusted Divorce Lawyers has the best divorce lawyers in TX and the surrounding areas to ensure that your interests are protected.

In Texas, the spouses must meet certain residency requirements before they are able to file for a divorce; one spouse needs to have been living in the state for at least six months prior to filing. Additionally, parties must prove there has been “insupportability” due to discord or conflict of personalities between the spouses that destroys the legitimate ends of the marriage relationship and prevents any reasonable expectation of reconciliation.

Contested Divorce Lawyers in Austin

The term contested divorce can mean one of two things. A contested divorce can describe a divorce where one party is arguing the other doesn’t have grounds for divorce and attempts to prevent the divorce in this case the divorce itself is being contested. More commonly, the term is used to describe the divorce process where both parties want a divorce but can’t agree on issues like child custody, child and spousal support, and property division.

Every divorce begins with filing a divorce petition and service of process on the spouse who didn’t file the petition. If there are contested issues, one of the divorce lawyers may request a hearing. The hearing may be requested at the same time the divorce petition is filed or at a later date.

Contested divorce lawyers provide legal services to those seeking a contested divorce. A contested divorce is when a couple is unable to agree on the terms of their divorce, such as the division of property, alimony payments, and child custody agreements. Having an experienced lawyer can help ensure that your rights are protected in these negotiations.

Before a divorce may be granted, there are two (five if there are children involved) basic issues that must be resolved. They are:

If a divorcing couple agrees on all five of these issues in writing, they will be granted an uncontested divorce and will avoid adversarial divorce litigation.

If there is disagreement, the divorce is contested. This means it may end up in trial before a judge or jury, or in another form of dispute resolution. It is important to consult with an attorney before deciding which method is right for your situation.

Divorce litigation involves a series of document exchanges and court appearances. In some instances, there are questions or situations that need to be resolved temporarily before the final divorce agreement is reached or ordered by the court. Temporary orders on support, custody, or other matters generally remain in effect until the final decision is made at the end of the divorce process. The judge’s final decision provides the court’s rulings on all the issues raised by the parties.

Uncontested Divorce Lawyers Austin – Free Consultation

An uncontested divorce is one in which the parties involved have, by themselves, that is without the help of the court, worked out the important issues pertaining to the divorce; for example, division of property, child custody, and child support issues. Anyone has the right to file a divorce complaint without an attorney. However, you should be aware that there are very important legal ramifications to any particular situation and that the advice of legal counsel is always the wisest choice. No Matter What, you should always seek legal advice from an attorney for the Drafting of Orders and/or your Final Judgment of Divorce.

Austin Divorce Lawyers will ensure that your rights are protected in an uncontested divorce. Although uncontested divorces seem simple and easy, it is of the utmost importance to ensure that all matters in the divorce have been explained legally to both parties. Trusted Divorce Lawyers will ensure that you receive the proper, proven representation that you deserve.

Texas Child Custody Attorneys

Focused on Your Children’s Needs

Good parents often disagree about the best way to meet their children’s needs. This is why many child custody and visitation disputes are often the most emotional and difficult legal problems parents ever face.

We have dedicated our Texas family law practice to helping parents reach creative and sustainable custody and visitation solutions. By working with an attorney and using other resources we may suggest, you can develop a plan that will meet your needs as well as those of your children.

Creative Child Custody and Visitation Plans

Whether your child custody dispute is part of a divorce or you and your child’s other parent are unmarried, it is important to put your child’s interests first. We will work with you to determine answers to important questions such as:

  • Which parent is best equipped to care for your child?
  • Does your family need a firmly structured visitation plan?
  • Can you and the other parent work together to make decisions about your child?
  • Does your child have a preference regarding custody?
  • What kind of parenting plan best fits your family’s needs?

The answers to these questions are not always clear. Many times, we work with child development specialists to ensure that children’s needs are met.

Creating a Tailored Plan for You

We have extensive experience helping parents consider all of their options. We will take the time to really listen to you and understand your situation. We will then work diligently to create a sustainable parenting plan that meets your family’s needs for today and the future.

Alimony, Spousal Support & Maintenance

Alimony, known in Texas as maintenance, is financial support paid by one spouse to another. In Texas, a court awards maintenance in certain limited circumstances. If the court finds maintenance should be awarded, then the court will determine the appropriate amount based on the factors set forth in the Texas Family Code.

Division of Property

Texas uses the “community property” system to distribute marital assets. Property acquired by either spouse during the marriage is community property to be divided upon divorce. Under Texas law, the division of property does not have to be equal. The courts are only required to divide the community property between the parties “in a manner that the court claims just and right, having due regard for the rights of each party and any children of the marriage.” If either spouse acquired property outside of the state, a court can also divide that property using community property rules if they divorce in Texas. Individual spouses may also own separate property which is not divided in a divorce. Because the classification of property and its division can become one of the most contentious issues in a divorce, you need the advice and assistance of a family law attorney familiar with Texas family laws and procedures.


Reaching the decision to end a marriage is difficult. Once you do make the decision, it is in your best interest to approach the divorce process from a rational, businesslike perspective, which is hard given that there are also emotional issues with which you must cope as well. Working with a Texas attorney who is experienced in family law will ease your stress and help you get through the process to begin your new life.