No one enters a marriage and expects it to fail. Yet, when it does, there are a handful of emotional ebbs and flow that are associated with it. Such is due to a variety of factors coming from both intrinsic…
Getting married is an important milestone in a person’s life. Getting married to the person that turned out to be the wrong person is disappointing. These instances have multiple emotional impacts on a person’s well-being. This cascade of events is…
Throughout the Texas divorce process, highly-charged emotions are the norm and both spouses tend to behave in a less than favorable manner. Sometimes husbands or wives lash out simply because they are hurt, feeling angry or betrayed.
Here are five…
Even when divorcing parents have a good working relationship and plan to use an online divorce service to manage and uncontested divorce, they often worry that children will associate bad feelings and memories to the holidays if they separate during…
Alimony is known as spousal maintenance in Texas, and it is legally available, though there are many limitations attached to it. The idea behind alimony is to provide the former spouse with a periodic payment to make up for financial…
Making an increase or a decrease in child support payments is known as child support payment modification. These child support payment modifications do not happen automatically. Instead, one of the two parents of the child will have to request that…
Custody battles that ensue following the breakdown of a family are capable of causing damage beyond the two parents who are vying for custody of the children. If the parents are struggling, then it is likely that the children are…
When it comes to child support enforcement, the Texas Attorney General provides a number of resources for parents looking for help, especially in securing child support from a non-paying, non-custodial parent. Just because the parent is unwilling to pay or…
When one of two parents locked in a custody battle decides to move, this can pose problems for the custody case for a number of reasons. The primary reason has to do with the fact that custody law looks out…
After divorce many women have a hard time finding love and intimacy again. The anger and rejection they feel can be so deeply rooted in their emotions that they often create a wall around them to protect themselves from being…