Studies show that children of separation tend to grow up faster than kids from intact families. In addition to other challenges, they need to adapt to change, develop coping mechanisms, and they generally have more responsibilities.
Let children be children.…
Preparing yourself for the process of divorce is rarely easy – no matter how many books you read or how often you listen to Dr. Phil. In addition to the legal matters, you may need help with managing your resentments…
When divorcing couples discuss why their marriage went bad or how the divorce is likely to affect their children, they often try to outdo one another in their attempts to shift blame rather than accepting responsibility. And for couples whose…
The most important negotiation that divorcing parents undertake is developing a parenting plan –guidelines and expectations regarding schedules, responsibilities, and decision-making. This can be a particular challenge for couples negotiating their own divorce through an online divorce service.
Although parents…
Throughout the Texas divorce process, highly-charged emotions are the norm and both spouses tend to behave in a less than favorable manner. Sometimes husbands or wives lash out simply because they are hurt, feeling angry or betrayed.
Here are five…
Even when divorcing parents have a good working relationship and plan to use an online divorce service to manage and uncontested divorce, they often worry that children will associate bad feelings and memories to the holidays if they separate during…